Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday/Late Evening

Last post of the night...

Here are the latest on the last two model runs (00Z NAM and GFS)

NAM: The 00Z NAM continues to under do QPF, however it has increased compared to the 18Z and it also places the heavier axis of precip further north...

GFS: The 00Z GFS continues to spit out plentiful QPF across the entire region, with the freezing line nearing the Ohio River. The GFS Still shows near 1 inch of precip near Louisville on south with .75 further north across Southern Indiana.

MY CURRENT THINKING: Models have been trending the precipitation northward ALL day long. The further north the precip field, the more ice that will mix in across Northern Kentucky. I am really starting to get concerned about a major ICE STORM for the Louisville area and areas surrounding the Metro. Areas just north of Louisville including Scottsburg, Salem, Seymour, North Vernon, Jeffersonville, and Bedford look to be in the HEAVIEST snow band at this point with 6+ inches of snow looking quite probable. This storm will have significant implications on travel Monday night through Wednesday. With the potential for a ICE STORM somewhere across the region, please stock up on food, batteries, generators and any other items that are needed. Significant power outages are possible across some portion of the viewing area beginning Tuesday night. Please stay tuned to the latest forecasts from the National Weather Service and keep it tuned here as I will have several updates just before the storm and through the height of the storm. I will have more tomorrow...STAY TUNED!


Anonymous said...

Patrick....buddy this event is still 2-3 days away. Be careful in your forecasts dude. That rain/snow line is so close that at this point, it's not crazy to think places such as Louisville could get as much as a foot of snow, or an inch of rain...or nothing all. I'd put the 3 possibilites at equal chances at this point. Just be careful and dont get too overhyped and get disappointed.

Patrick Sumner said...

Dustin...I want to HIGHLIGHT the potential this storm sytem has. My goal is to warn the public and It's better safe than sorry. The latest posting was based of the consistency of the models that we have seen the last few days. This WILL be a SIGNIFICANT winter storm for Kentuckiana. The Two things that need to be worked out are the snow/ice line and QPF. I am not overhyping...just warning the public to get ready for this winter storm. Have a good night sir...PS