Monday, February 23, 2009


OK, everyone. I have been working on some things and I am trying to figure a couple of things out to increase the quality of this blog.

Many of you know I do very long weather discussions when it comes to the weather. However, many people do not like to read such a long description of the weather, but would rather watch it visually. I have already contacted a couple of people about how to do video blogging, but I want your advice as well! My hope is by mid to late March I will be able to do a shorter weather discussion and show it to you visually by a interactive video with me talking and you seeing what I am looking at right before your eyes!



Alex Coffman said...


Though it is true that I love watching the weather visually, I cannot do that because I live in an AT&T/Insight high speed black out zone. So, I still am stuck in the world of dialup. However, for the general public, a video blog would be fantastic...I'd love to do it. My question to you is: Are you thinking about an uploaded video for your forecast or a LIVE blog? When you say "interactive video", it makes me think that you will be streaming a web/video camera for live discussion. If it's about uploading videos, look at Ryan Hoke's blog..., or his website, He does video forecasts once a week and in severe weather situations. He does a fantastic job with his video forecasts. Let me know what you'll be doing and I will tell you what I know about video blogging.

Anonymous said...

I suffer from slow Salem boonies dial-up and a dino-puter. Videos are useless to me. Some nights I can't even get onto the local weather stations because of all the videos and hightech flahiness. I just want the weather. Simple, yet detailed. That's one of the reasons I've always enjoyed your blog. You always have an interesting view point, and it's perfect for those of us who just want to know what's going on. With you being up in "my" area, its also a bonus.

In a perfect world you'd continue to your normal posts and once a week or so do a video blog...which you provide a link to a separate page for so the video box loading won't cause for dino-dial-up computers to stall. :-D

And I agree on doing it yourself. All that fancy stuff wastes resources, energy and money. Set an example and keep it simple. :)

You do a great job!

Patrick Sumner said...

Alex...Thanks for the suggestion. However, it looks like a majority of people that read this blog have dial up so it may interfere with their computers. I will leave alone the videos for now, but that doesn't mean I won't change my mind in the future...PS

Patrick Sumner said...

Ivanna...Thanks so much for the encouragement and for supporting my blog. Please continue to visit often...PS