Dry--that's been the popular word, lately, weatherwise across the Wabash and Ohio Valley Region. However, finally, some rain is beginning to enter the picture this evening. A pesky low pressure system that has been spawning showers and thunderstorms well to our south is now beginning to push a bit further north and the showers have made it into the southern parts of the viewing area now. (Southern Kentucky) This low will begin to push even further north over the weekend and by Saturday night and Sunday, showers and isolated thunderstorms will overspread the area.
On Monday a cold front will enter the region, this should bring a decent line of showers and thunderstorms, once again, into the region. Widespread severe weather is NOT expected, however a few isolated severe storms are certainly possible due to the potency of the front. If models continue to agree, Tuesday may also be another wet day as the front hangs across the Ohio and Wabash Valleys.
Computer models are still advertising a big cool down, but now they don't have it starting until early next week. We've seen the models pick up on a big cool down the last month or so, and it always get's pushed further back. However, as far as I'm concerned, fall temperatures can still be expected by the first weekend of fall. I'll be fine tuning this for you as we get closer.
For those of you from my hometown in Seymour, Indiana, your 7 day forecast is below.


Yesterday, I asked people on my facebook what their favorite thing about fall was. Here is some of the responses...
Todd says: The second tornado season
Kristin says: Bon fires and Chili
Alex says: Thanksgiving
Bevin says: Leaves and fresh air
Jordan says: All the colorful nature and the Oktoberfest (in Seymour)
John says: The cool temperatures
Charis says: Cool temps and pretty colors and it smells nice too!
Cassie says: Leaves falling off the trees
Katherine says: The wonderful weather
Pegi says: The most I enjoy about fall are the sounds of crickets, apple picking, cooler weather, wearing sweaters, and being able to be outside more walking especially through the fallen leaves.
Bethany says: I love all the beautiful fall colors!
Dawna says: apple cider, blustery stormy nights, the smell of woodsmoke hanging in the chilly night air....and taking walks after a storm and seeing the miniature fall leaves, perfectly formed-perfectly colored, pasted to the sidewalk by the deluge.
My mom says: Hearing your dad complain about all the leaves to rake! NOT!
-Weather Forecaster Patrick Sumner
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